2018 UNITY Student and Alumni Accomplishments

Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017) spoke to several young men at the Bloom Project, Inc. last weekend on the importance of goal setting. Bloom Project, Inc. is a not for profit organization that provides mentoring, service projects, college preparation, character building, and career exploration opportunities. They currently operate in Indianapolis & Fort Wayne.
Jordan’s mom, Paula, says, “It was definitely a valued program for Jordan for his last 2 years of high school.”
High School Senior, Samia White (UNITY Member 2017-present), won 1st place in her school wide essay contest titled, “I Too Have a Dream”!
Click here to watch her speech.

Aspen Hill (UNITY Alumna, 2012-2017) is the new President of the Ball State HOSA- a national student organization for all future health professions students focusing on health-based, hands-on volunteering activities and participating in competitive events against other HOSA chapters. HOSA provides a unique program of leadership development, motivation, and recognition exclusively for students who are interested in or pursuing a career in health professions.
Camille King (UNITY Member, 2011-present) was featured on Insight ABC21’s Bishop Luers Highlight! Congratulations, Camille!
Click here to view the video.

Isaiah Gibson (UNITY Alumnus, 2016-2017) has completed his basic training and has started on his AIT (Advanced Individual Training).

Johelga Portela (UNITY Member, 2017-present) is the youngest and only girl from her 3rd grade class that is participating in the STEM program at her school.

Jackson McCullough (UNITY Member, 2017-present) won two gold medals for the regional ISSMA percussion solo & mallet trio. Jonathon McCullough (UNITY Member, 2018-present) won a gold medal for the percussion ensemble. Jonathon will be competing in the State competition February 24th.

Daven Johnson (UNITY Alumnus, 2006-2013) had his first day working at Sweetwater Sound on Monday, February 12.

Rose Gaspar (UNITY Member, 2017-present) (8th grade) and Gregory Perry (UNITY Member, 2013-present) (6th grade). They both received Future City awards through their schools.
Future City is a nationwide program and is part of National Engineers Week. It offers students a fun way to learn about engineering and cities of the future.
Kendall Isadore (UNITY Alumna, 2003-2006) performed with her group, The String Queens, on Great Day Washington. “Teachers by day and concert performers when school is out! The String Queens create beautiful music that inspires people to love, hope, feel & imagine!” Click here to watch their performance.
Three of our UNITY alumni, David Alvarez (UNITY Alumnus, 2006-2017), Dalyn Johnson (UNITY Alumnus, 2005-2017), Tyson Chambers(UNITY Alumnus, 2007-2017), and UNITY Singing Mentor, Tyrone Chambers sang the National Anthem on Wednesday, February 14th for the Fort Wayne Komets! Click here to watch their performance!

Andrew Shade (UNITY Alumnus, 2000-2005) is a creator, editor, and actor and started his own website, Broadwayblack.com in 2012.
Broadway Black is an organization that fosters and inspires artistic diversity and excellence in theatre. Dedicated to highlighting the achievements and successes of Black theatre artists on and off the Broadway stage, Broadway Black, founded in 2012, has continued to grow into a one-of-a-kind multimedia venture. Editorial content showcases the best and the brightest stars across the industry. Click here to ready more.

Niyoki Chapman (UNITY Administrative/Donor Relations Manager), is competing in the Reason to Dance, Reason for Hope – a ballroom dance competition modeled after the popular “Dancing with the Stars” television show.
Local celebrities will be paired with professional dance instructors, from local ballroom dance studios, to learn and refine a ballroom and freestyle dance routine. The celebrities will then compete at an elegant event, being held at the Indiana Roof Ballroom, to win one of several awards. Three judges will score the performances. All profits for this event will go to Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health located in Indianapolis. The evening will begin with a silent auction, followed by a three-course dinner, and then the ballroom competition. The evening will conclude with open dancing.
Awards include:
- Grand Champion – goes to the celebrity who raises the most money
- Judges’ Choice – goes to the celebrity who has the highest combined judges score
- Runner Up – goes to the dancer who has the second highest judges’ score
- Riley Children’s Choice Award – goes to the dancer who earns the most votes from the Riley children
Join us as we support Riley Hospital for Children with an evening of dinner, dancing, entertainment, and a silent auction.
Friday, March 9, 2018, 6:00 to 11:00 p.m.
Click here to learn more.

Congratulations Tiffany Blevens (UNITY Alumna, 2007-2008) and Clendell Sims Sr.! They welcomed baby, Jy’Aire Lendell Blevins-Sims, on February 26th, 2018.

Congratulations Nakia and Tyrone Tolbert (UNITY Musician, 2003-present)!
They are expecting their first baby in August 2018!

Gyneiya Davis (UNITY Member, 2013-present) received a “Full-Tuition Promise Award” from the University of Indianapolis!

Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) was crowned Miss Indiana Teen at the 2018 USA National Miss Indiana Teen State Pageant this past weekend. She will compete in the Nationals competition in July.

Ani King (UNITY Member, 2011-present) recently participated in the Model United Nations program at Indiana University with a group of students from her school.
Bridging the Education Gap and Creating Global Citizens Model United Nations is an authentic simulation of the UN General Assembly, UN Security Council, or other multilateral body, which introduces students to the world of diplomacy, negotiation, and decision making.
At Model UN, students step into the shoes of ambassadors of countries that are members of the UN, from Argentina to Zimbabwe. The students, better known as “delegates”, debate current issues on the organization’s vast agenda. They prepare draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with supporters and adversaries, resolve conflicts, and navigate the UN’s rules of procedure – all in the interest of resolving problems that affect the world.
Before playing out their ambassadorial roles in Model UN, students research the particular global problem to be addressed. The problems are drawn from today’s headlines. Model UN delegates learn how the international community acts on its concerns about peace and security, human rights, the environment, food and hunger, economic development, and globalization.

Camille King (UNITY Member, 2011-present) was accepted into Bard College in Dutchess County, New York and received a $2,000 Leigh Ann Palmer Cheer Scholarship. Congratulations, Camille!

Audrianna Cobb (UNITY Member, 2011-present) was accepted into East Allen University! Students may obtain both a high school diploma and an associate’s degree within the four year (grades 9 – 12) program. The associate degree is granted in partnership with Vincennes University, and the credits earned can transfer to any public university within the state of Indiana.
“Audrianna’s journey has been hard, yet she is driven to do her best! Tragedy struck our family not once, but twice. She has been in a wonderful Christian school, homeschooled & skipped a grade. NOW – She has been officially accepted into high school & college for the 2018-2019 school year! She keeps sharing this will cut her 8 years of college needed to 6 to be an attorney! I am so grateful for the love, support & encouragement Audrianna Licia Love has received over the years from Unity Performing Arts (member of the Voices of Unity since 6 years old), Horizon Christian Academy (2nd grade – 8th grade) & YMCA (volunteer at Renaissance Pointe for almost a year). We will continue to watch her soar.”

Jimmie Jones (UNITY Alumnus, 2001-2008) was featured in the Disaster Recovery Journal (delivers how-to, in depth knowledge into business continuity planning). Click here to read more.

James McGlaston Williams (UNITY Alumnus, 2011-2017) sang with Pathway’s worship team on Sunday, April 8.
Check out the great comments James received!

Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017) was selected as the new Co-Chair of the Exploratory Studies Ambassadors at Purdue University. He also recently received the Sue Aufderheide Scholarship of $1,000 for the 2018-2019 school year at Purdue.
The Exploratory Studies Ambassadors is a select group of students who are dedicated to the positive promotion of the Exploratory Studies Program and Purdue University. The group is comprised of current and former Exploratory students who wish to share their experiences with prospective Purdue students at orientation and admissions events throughout the year. Ambassadors have the vital role of communicating their knowledge of what it is like to be a beginning student without a major. The program allows talented Exploratory students to meet, interact, and network with future Boilermakers, their families, and fellow peers.

Kendall Isadore (UNITY Alumna, 2003-2006), of the String Queens performed at the March for our Lives concert on March 24 with Jennifer Hudson, Ariana Grande, Andra Day, Demi Lovato, Miley Cyrus, Vic Mensa, and Lin Manuel (writer/composter of Hamilton). The March for our Lives #MFOL is the biggest anti-gun rally in history and has largely been led by students in cities all over the nation.

Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) and Aryanna Swopshire (UNITY Member, 2012-present) were both selected to sing the National Anthem at the Fort Wayne Tin Caps this week. They both did an amazing job! Take some time to watch their videos below.

Congratulations to our Band Director/Musician, Lance Tolbert. He received his 1st The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) Certified Gold plaque as a songwriter for his work on the Britney Spears album entitled #BritneyJean!
“It’s a surreal moment to hold a literal dream in my hands. When I started to compose & produce music, I had no idea where the road would lead. Faith in God, hardwork, and the amazing people in my life are the reasons I can celebrate days like this. To my brother Keith Harris this is our 1st Gold Album together! Thanks for believing in me & always giving me an opportunity to do great work. But more than that, thanks for being family. Thank you to my fam & friends for the encouragement all along the way. I’m just getting started!!”
Jeremy Jones (UNITY Alumnus, 2000-2004), released a new music video for his song, Road, on April 27! Click here to watch.
Brooke Person (UNITY Member, 2008-2016) has been nominated for “Best Actress” for her role as Mama Morton in CHICAGO. She’s also the recipient of several scholarships, including one from Akron Urban League, and will be attending American Music and Dramatic Academy in New York City to further her craft and pursue her dreams!
Briana Alvarez (UNITY Alumna, 2006-2014) completed her senior art show and is graduating from IUPUI on May 12!
Bekah Noack (VOU Singing Mentor, 2016-present), graduated on May 12th from Grace College with a Masters in Clinical mental health counseling!
Concordia Lutheran High School recognized senior, Tysen Chambers (UNITY Alumnus, 2007-2017) for his servant heart. One of the nominations read: “Tysen helps me remain calm and if anything is a reminder that I can encourage others as well. He is a well-spoken individual who I know I would be able to confide in. Despite his high influential level, he doesn’t let that go to his head. Tysen is an optimistic soul who I am lucky to know.” Click here to read more.
Camille King (UNITY Member, 2011-present)
“I committed to Earlham College as a Bonner Scholar, and accepted my Full Financnial Package.”

Gyneiya Davis (UNITY Member, 2013-present)
“On April 24, I officially enrolled in the University of Indianapolis.”
Alex Eady
Graduated from Indiana University on May 4
Major: Journalism, Minor: Spanish
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2005-2012
Aliyah Byrd
Graduated from Ball State University on May 5
Major: Social Work
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2004-2014
DaShaen Jordan
Graduated from Ball State University on May 5
Major: Critical Science
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2005
Briana Alvarez
Graduated from Indiana University – Purdue University – Indianapolis on May 12
Major: Photography
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2006-2014
Janiesha Menson
Graduated from Indiana State University on May 12
Major: Health Administration, Minor: Business
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2005-2008
Tiffany Blevins
Graduated from Indiana Tech on May 12
Major: Health Care Administration
Voices of Unity Youth Choir 2007-2008

Isaiah Gibson (UNITY Alumnus, 2016-2017) was accepted to Vincennes University!
Tysen Chambers (UNITY Alumnus, 2007-2017) is heading to Greencastle, IN to continue his athletic career with DePauw. Chambers helped Concordia go 7-5 last fall. The Cadets won the 3A state title his junior year. Click here to learn more.
Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017) is interning with Pathway Community Church for their worship team! Click here to watch his video.
Samia White (UNITY Member, 2017-2018) has been named Valedictorian at Cornerstone Christian College Prep International Day and High School!
CLICK HERE to learn about our Class of 2018 High School Graduates.
CLICK HERE to learn about our Class of 2018 College Graduates.
We were featured on INSight WPTA21. Click the image above to learn more about our End of Season Tribute to Disney Concert.
Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) was crowned the new 2018 Queen of the Miss Indianapolis Black Expo Scholarship Pageant!
Tyler Shawler (UNITY Alumnus, 2011-2014) welcomed new baby girl, Willow Sune Shawler on July 1st at 6:41 am. 19 inches / 7.46 lbs
Eboni Johnson (UNITY Alumna, 2004-2012) and Brian Stewart welcomed their new baby boy, Brian Michael Lee Stewart Jr., on July 13th.
Megan Yates-Ross (mother of Mya Ross) was awarded Director of Psychological Health of the year for her region from the National Guard Bureau!
Check out this video featuring UNITY members and alumni Dalyn Johnson (UNITY Alumnus, 2005-2017) on lead vocal. Background: Aaryn Eady (UNITY Alumna, 2005-2011), Aspen Hill (UNITY Alumna, 2012-2017), Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present), Jocelyn Redmond (UNITY Alumna, 2008-2017), Brittany Angelina (UNITY Staff, 2017-present), and Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017) on keys and vocals!
“I’m very excited to say that this video was recorded in UNITY’S very own brand new training center that our students have full access to! This is what we need to share with the world and let them see what positivity is happening here in our own city.” -Jordan Bridges
Click here to watch the video.
Jeremy Jones (UNITY Alumnus, 2000-2004) just released a new single called Pretty People. Click here to watch.
Congratulations to Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-current) on being crowned the 2018 Queen of the Miss Indianapolis Black Expo Scholarship Pageant. She was the talent winner and winner of the “Wow Factor”. Cydney will be competing in the 2018 Miss Indiana Teen USA in October 2018. She will also be in a Miss Indiana Pageant in 2019.
Freddie Basnight (UNITY ALUMNI 2001) was an award winner for the LA Edge Film Awards for his film, Gangsters.
“Keep grinding! Now on to the BFA Acting program. Two more semesters to go! Say I can’t do it and I’ll prove it to myself; not you” -Freddie Basnight
Justin Sheehan (UNITY Contractor, Crown Jewel Marketing) and wife, Alethea, are expecting a baby in March 2019!
Cydney & Jordan Bridges sang at Pathway Community Church on Wednesday night for their high school youth ministry. Jordan was one of the summer worship leader interns and Cydney joined the worship team to sing with them on his last night.
Faith Logan (VOU Member, 2016-present) moved up a level in ministry to be part of the Kids Pointe Crew at The Pointe Church. The vision of this crew is to develop leadership skills to individuals in Kids Pointe by giving them special responsibilities. This means she could be asked to run the computer for worship, demonstrating the Bible memory verse of the month, leading the motions for a worship song, or partnering with the younger kids to help them learn dance motions.
Deven Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2009) (Mickey Young) just released a new single called Feel My Heart!
Freddie Basnight (UNITY Alumnus, 2001) was awarded “Best Narrative Short” for his film, Gangsters, and has been officially selected for the bimonthly Pinnacle Film Awards Online Competition. He was awarded 4/4 for all categories including Directing, Writing, Cinematography, Editing, and Actors.
Evan White (UNITY Alumnus, 2000-2008) produced 3 songs (Games, Right Here, Grindin) and mixed and mastered the project for Paige Wells called Wells Made.
Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-2018) received a scholarship from the ICIBE pageant. Over $5,000 was raised for the ICIBE pageant and each winner and runner-up was recognized financially. Each contestant had a 529 College fund opened in their name with a $25 start amount deposited by the Indianapolis Black Expo Organization and Funds were also added in from the Promise Indiana Organization. Cydney won the pageant and was awarded $1,000 of the funds raised which was put into a 529 account and she received an iPad Mini.
Kendall Isadore (UNITY Alumna, 2003-2006) Wow! What a beautiful tribute by The String Queens to the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin, featuring our very own Voices of Unity alumna.
Deven Bridges (UNITY Alumna, 2009) (Mickey Young) released a music video for his single called “Demons- The Things They Won’t Tell You- An A Capella Performance).
Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) was accepted to be on Mayor Henry’s Youth Council!
Mission Statement: To engage the youth of Fort Wayne with their community and local government Vision Statement: The Mayor’s Youth Engagement Council’s vision is to be a service-learning group comprised of youth members.
The members provide a voice for the youth of Fort Wayne to local government by engaging their peers, creating innovative solutions, and performing service-learning projects. The youth of our community are the future of our city. We must not only provide them with an education and caring environment, but a way to create an atmosphere in which they would like to live.
Cydney has also been nominated for the RESPECT 360 awards. Winners will be announced this Sunday!
Deondra Bender (UNITY Alumna, 2003-2004) won 1st place and $1,000 at the “15 Minutes of Fame 2018 Sing-Off” in Dickson, Tennessee. Deondra sang “I Have Nothing” by Whitney Houston and “Rolling in the Deep” by Adele.
Colby Flye (UNITY Alumnus, 2013-2014) and his wife, Taylor Henderson, welcomed their baby boy, Lincoln Kenneth Flye, this week!
Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) was nominated and selected as one of the 25 students recognized by the Respect Team.
The RespectTeam speaks to thousands of middle and high school students each year about the importance of respecting themselves, the importance of respecting others, and the importance of being respected as well. Students are also taught how to live their best lives with purpose and to strive to make a positive difference in the lives of others.
Desaray Lacey (UNITY Member, 2018-present) plays the clarinet in the marching band at Snider High School. They won best general effect, best music, and best visual, and 1st place at the Bluffton High School competition.
Johelga Portela (UNITY Member, 2017-present) was chosen for the Indiana Michigan Power commercial with One Lucky Guitar. She also runs cross country at Croninger Elementary School and won 10th place for the 3rd-5th grade girls team.
Faith Logan (UNITY Member, 2016-present) had the opportunity to cheer with her sister and the Bishop Luers Varsity Cheerleaders at their homecoming game.
Tyrone Tolbert (UNITY Band Member, 2003-present) and his wife, Nakia, welcomed their first child, Cadence Nichole on August 6, 2018.
Lance Tolbert (UNITY Band Director/Musician) co-produced the single “Ladies Man” with Emile Ghantous & Keith Hetrick for BoyzIIMen. BoyzIIMen performed the single this past Tuesday on Dancing with the Stars!
Brothers Jackson (UNITY Member, 2017-present) and Jonathan McCullough (UNITY Member 2018-present) are both on their school’s football team this year. Jackson is in 8th grade at Lane Middle School and Jonathan is in 10th grade at Snider High School.
Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) was awarded the National Society of High School Scholars. Since 2002, the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS) has been supporting young academics on their journey to college and beyond as they prepare to become the leaders of tomorrow. Co-founded by the great-nephew of Alfred Nobel, NSHSS is inspired by the mission of the Nobel Prize to support academic achievement and world betterment. NSHSS pursues this mission by connecting members with scholarships, college fairs, internships, career and leadership opportunities, partner discounts, and more.
Chad Blackmon-Edmonds (UNITY Expression Creative Writing Program Director) and his wife, Betsy Edmonds, welcomed their new baby girl, Sloan Elizabeth Edmonds on October 9, 2018 at 2:12 AM. 7lbs 8oz, 20.5 inches long.
Kendall Isadore’s String Queens are performing this Sunday at 3:00PM at St. George’s Episcopal Church in Washington, DC!
Desaray Lacey (UNITY Member, 2018-present) is a part of the Snider Marching band which recently won gold. They are going to compete in the state competition this week!
Briana Alvarez (UNITY Alumna, 2006-2014) had artwork and photography featured at Ivy Tech Northeast for their Hispanic Heritage Celebration.
Tyris Jones (UNITY Alumnus, 2002-2008) visited the UNITY Program and Training Center on September 28.
Tyris works as an Analyst Consultant at Accenture Federal in Washington, DC. He graduated from Northwestern University in 2012.
Tysen Chambers (UNITY Alumnus, 2007-2017) returned as the homecoming king to crown the new homecoming king at Concordia High School.
Ashia Williams (UNITY Alumna, 2004-2006) (left) started a job at Quicken Loans 6 months ago and she is the top banker!
Pastor Khalid Griffin (UNITY Alumnus, 2001-2006) will become the new pastor in January 2019 at Changing Lives Outreach Ministries in Fort Wayne, Indiana.
Kelvin Byers (UNITY Alumnus, 2002-2007) is currently working as the Content Producer and Correspondent for Hollywood Unlocked.
Jordan Applegate (UNITY Alumnus, 2002-2005) was currently promoted to “Director of Recruiting” at Sweetwater and jams with his band “Casual Friday”. Visit their Facebook page at the button below.
On Saturday, November 3, the Fort Wayne Comfort Zone art show was at the Concept.Seven Art Lounge (1906 Bluffton Rd., Fort Wayne, IN).
Alex Eady (UNITY Alumna, 2005-2012) was the Mistress of Ceremonies of the night. She recently graduated from Indiana University with a degree in Broadcast Journalism. She is a reporter at WTUI in Bloomington, Indiana.
Briana Alvarez (UNITY Alumna, 2006-2014) and Rebecca Soto’s (UNITY Alumna, 2009-2017) had their art featured. Briana recently graduated from IUPUI in May and works at the Indianapolis Museum of Art and is a Photographer.
Rebecca is a mother of one and is in the Fort Wayne area. Rebecca’s parents saw her love for art at a young age and put her in a class where she learned about proper techniques for painting. Rebecca prefers watercolor over acrylic, due to acrylic drying faster as you work. While she enjoys painting flowers, her favorite art piece is the one of “Moses parting the sea”. She loves to paint pieces that send a message. Rebecca plans to help kids and adults who have a passion for drawing and painting to grow and reach their full potential.
In her own words Rebecca says, “Just like Mr. White, ‘We will reach back to give back’ I want to help others too. I want my own art studio that students can come in and I can teach them to draw and paint.”
Connection Point, featuring alumni, Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017), and guest soloists, Cydney Bridges (UNITY Member, 2008-present) and Dalyn Johnson (UNITY Alumnus, 2005-2017) performed music.
Jordan Bridges is a sophomore at Purdue University studying Human Resources Development. Cydney Bridges is a Senior at Carroll High School. Dalyn Johnson works at Chase Bank in Fort Wayne.
Kierra Pinkston (UNITY Member 2016-present) performed spoken word. She is a student at Snider High School.
Isabel Alfaro (UNITY Member, 2016-present) has been accepted into East Allen University. The incredible partnership that has developed between East Allen County Schools and Vincennes University has provided students with the opportunity to achieve a minimum of a core 40 diploma and the chance to earn an Associate’s degree while still in high school. Isabel is currently in the 8th grade at New Tech Academy at Wayne High School.
“We are extremely excited for Isabel and her next chapter in her academic career!” -Amy Torrez-Alfaro
Congratulations to Ashley Queener (UNITY Alumna, 2009-2012) who recently got engaged to her fiancé, Danny. Ashley joined VOU at the age of 13 and is currently located in Chicago. She is a Graduate student at Northwestern University as a 3rd-year Immunology student.
Breaun Scott (UNITY Alumnus, 2003-2009) has had appearances on the show, Love and Hip Hop Hollywood as an extra. Breaun joined VOU at the age of 13. He is currently located in L.A. working on his singing and acting career.
Jordan Bridges (UNITY Alumnus, 2008-2017) is a sophomore at Purdue University studying Human Resources Development. performed the National Anthem for Purdue’s Dance Marathon with Riley Children’s Health for Veterans Day on Monday, November 12. This was the first year for them to have a live performance.
Kendall Isadore (Alumna, 2003-2006) graduated from Howard University with a biology major and is currently a graduate student at George Washington University in Washington, DC for Education Policy and Administration. She works as the Dean of Students and Orchestra Director at Kipp DC Valor Academy in Washington, DC.
Kendall is a member of the String Queens who will be performing at Carnegie Hall for Chew Entertainment’s uplifting “Night of Inspiration” concert in Stern Auditorium on Saturday, December 15 at 8:00 PM.
Arianna Swopshire (UNITY Member, 2012-present) is currently a sophomore at Snider High School. She was in the play, Almost, Maine, at her school on Friday, November 16 and played the part of Marci.
Johelga Portela (UNITY Member, 2017-present) received Principal Honor Roll for the first quarter. She is a 4th grader at Croniger Elementary School.
Aspen Hill (UNITY Alumna, 2012-2017) is a sophomore at Ball State and was recognized for making the Deans list this semester. She is volunteering at Motivate our Minds (similar to Boys and Girls Club) while working three on-campus jobs. Great job Aspen, we are so proud of all you are doing!
Tasha Denae (UNITY Alumna, 2000-2002) performed with Fantasia on November 9th in Kentucky at the KFC Yum! Center. Tasha was awarded a day by Mayor Tom Henry on August 24, 2009 called “Tasha Denae Day”. She will be in Fort Wayne on Friday to perform at Hobo’s Bar & Grill for Uncle Woody’s 30 & Over Party Series – 2701 West Jefferson Blvd. Fort Wayne, 46802
Windy Cobb-Johnson (UNITY Office/Volunteer Coordinator) has a Holiday Shopping Extravaganza event this Saturday, December 1, for her non-profit, The Journey, at St. John Lutheran Church (729 W. Washington Blvd.). There will be 30 vendors selling special gifts, stocking stuffers, and gift certificates. There will also be a photo booth ($2.00 per session of 3 poses) and raffle packages (1 ticket $5, 5 tickets $20). All proceeds benefit The Journey.
The Journey is a local organization assisting young adults moving them from isolation to fellowship.

Voices of Unity students, Nyiann Bennett, Hannah Mossburg, and Julian Bahre will be singing in the Sing Offs (Hannah & Nyiann at 10AM and Julian at 1PM). There will be two Sing Offs with singers from Sweetwater Academy & The Voices of Unity. Attendees may vote using their dollars after each set performs. All funds donated will benefit new programming for The Journey and the top two singers will receive a prize.
Nyiann Bennett (VOU Member & Expression Creative Writing Member, 2011-present) is in 10th grade at Cornerstone Christian College Prep. She made the Deans List and Honor Roll this past semester.
Hannah Mossburg (VOU and Expression Creative Writing Program Member 2018) is an 8th grader at Blackhawk Christian School. She is making hats to give to the Rescue Mission for the winter season. Hannah is also involved with the youth group worship team at Blackhawk.
Jullian Bahre (VOU 2012-present) is in 10th grade at South Adams Jr Sr High School. She sang Let It Go at our End of Season Tribute to Disney Concert.
Lee Powers (UNITY Graphic Designer) will be selling one of a kind hand, lettered items including ornaments, drinkware, makeup bags, stationery, and more at The Journey’s Holiday Shopping Extravaganza event! Check out her shop, Lee Morgan Designs, at the buttons below.
Andrew Shade (2000-2005) worked on a shoot for The National Black Theatre: Institute for Action Arts’s 50th Anniversary Affirmation Brand campaign.
“The National Black Theatre has always felt like home for me in this theatre community. The organization upholds the values and the integrity I believe in for curating and nurturing new works of art. They consistently honor the artists and the works that we all stand upon with so much thought and genuine love. So, it was a tremendous honor to be a part of this campaign. If you know me you know I’m a believer in wearing words that affirm you and the strength that carries so I’m hoping you’ll support my “home” by getting a t-shirt that uplifts you. Much like NBT, It’s a gift that never stops giving!”
Attila Baker (2016-present) danced with the Sheekristyle Academy of Dance at the Embassy Theatre during the Festival of Trees.
Jordan Bridges (2008-2017) received an internship offer at Parkview Regional Medical Center with the Human Resources Department as a Talent Acquisition Intern. Congratulations, Jordan!
Jaya Swopshire (UNITY Member, 2016-present) sang a solo (All I Want for Christmas Is You) for the Jefferson Middle School Show Choir.
Rece Gilbert (Unity Alumna, 2004-2005) was awarded the Exceptional Meritorious Service Award from the State of Indiana Military Department.
“In April I was detailed up to Wing Headquarters and I have learned so much about the mission and about myself. My ever supportive husband said ‘the Wing Commander will only call once so you might as well see where this opportunity takes you.’
I can spend all day telling you all of the things that I do not know, do not accomplish or can not do well. I am very lucky to work with leaders that remind me of what I can do. I have not had a direct enlisted supervisor since 2011/2012 and I could not ask for a better one! My standards of work have had to increase ten fold and I only hope to reach the level of the amazing people I work with daily. Thank you for this crazy opportunity!”
Tomeko Doughty (UNITY Parent, 2018) graduated from Indiana Wesleyan University with an Associates in Business. Her kids, Jawyonne and Jaylan, just joined the Voices of Unity Youth Choir in October.
Lee Powers (UNITY Staff Member, 2015-present) got engaged over the weekend! Lee manages the graphic design, social media, website, and photography for UNITY.
Kendall Isadore (UNITY Alumna, 2003-2006) performed at Carnegie Hall with her group, The String Queens, for Chew Entertainment’s uplifting “Night of Inspiration” concert in Stern Auditorium on Saturday, December 15 at 8:00 PM.
Kendall graduated from Howard University with a biology major and is currently a graduate student at George Washington University in Washington, DC for Education Policy and Administration. She works as the Dean of Students and Orchestra Director at Kipp DC Valor Academy in Washington, DC.
Congratulations to our “$5 for an A” students! These students earned a combined amount of 80 A’s for the Fall Semester!
Venessa Fullerton (1 A), Caeson King (9 A’s), Desaray Lacey (14 A’s),
Johelga Portela (23 A’s), Gregory Perry (4 A’s), Karma Conley (7 A’s),
Not Pictured: Annalyse King (11 A’s), Nia Weary (4 A’s), and Mya Ross (7 A’s)
Caitlynn Flaningan (UNITY Alumna, 2007-present) got engaged this week!
Caitlynn recently graduated from Concordia High School and is attending the University of Southern Indiana for Nursing.
Windy Cobb-Johnson (UNITY Staff Member, 2007-present) received her 501c3 certificate for her non-profit, The Journey.
The Journey provides unconditional love to young adults (18-26) aspiring to move them from isolation to fellowship. The Journey will work to provide for these young adults’ needs: spiritual, physical, relational, mental, and emotional.
2018 New Members

Age: 9
Registered: Jan. 12
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Drawing, Painting

Age: 14
Registered: Jan. 18
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Decorating, Painting, Playing Sports, Singing

Age: 13
Registered: Jan. 18
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir & Expression Creative Writing Program
Hobbies: Acting, Decorating, Drawing, Writing, Reading

Age: 13
Registered: Feb. 1
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Decorating, Crafts, Sports, Singing

Age: 14
Registered: Feb. 2
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Playing Sports, Music

Age: 9
Registered: Feb. 7
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Computers, Drawing, Crafts, Music, Painting, Sports

Age: 19
Registered: Feb. 17
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Acting, Crafts, Painting, Music

Registered: Feb. 16
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Playing Sports

Age: 15
Registered: March 21
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Sports

Age: 15
Registered: Aug. 18
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Dancing, Decorating, Drawing, Leading, Painting, Crafts, Sports, Singing

Age: 11
Registered: Oct. 7
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Dancing, Decorating, Sports, Writing

Age: 13
Registered: Oct. 20
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies:Dancing, Drawing, Painting, Crafts, Singing

Age: 14
Registered: Oct. 28
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Acting, Dancing, Making Crafts, Singing, Writing

Age: 12
Registered: Oct. 26
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir & Expression Creative Writing Program
Hobbies:Art, Dancing, Leading, Sports, Singing

Age: 12
Registered: Oct. 28
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Playing Music by Ear, Reading Music, Writing Music

Age: 8
Registered: Oct. 28
• Voices of Unity Youth Choir
Hobbies: Drawing, Playing Sports
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