My name is Alivia Croxton. I am a 25 year old PROUD alumni of the Voices of Unity Youth Choir. I have a beautiful son named Bryson, he is the light of my light and I am so honored to be his mother. I enjoy singing, public speaking, and finding new ways to share the love of Jesus Christ. When I finally gave God my “Yes” is when my life completely changed, and I truly fell in love with the gifts that God has given me. I decided to join the UNITY team because of our pledge “To reach back to give back!” Being alumni I have such a passion to give the kids of UNITY exactly what I was given as a child. This organization completely changed my life and I would be doing God a disservice by not passing on what he allowed me to receive. This organization is more than just a performing arts organization, it is the key to changing youth for the rest of their lives. My favorite quote “Never say NO to an opportunity to Grow!” – Marshall White