Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


February 18, 2017 Unity Activities

Science Central | African American Mixer | Fort Wayne Museum of Art

The saying is true:  The more you know, the more you grow!  UNITY students, staff and parents took advantage of the free day at Science Central on February 18th, sponsored by IPFW, touching everything they could and learning along the way. Click here to see more photos.

Several UNITY students took part in an African American Mixer hosted at the Fort Wayne African/African -American Historical Society Museum.  Students were able to speak with professionals from various fields, tour the museum and were treated to a good meal as well!

Cathi Schenkel [UNITY’s Program Assistant/Weekend Supervisor] made good on a promise to Shonta Dozier to take her to the Fort Wayne Museum of Art.  Shonta chose Aliviah Cartwright to spend the day with her. They took the time to make a little art out of themselves.