Our members are required to learn our foundational statements in English AND Spanish. These foundational statements instill in our students a value system for UNITY and helps to develop an appreciation and understanding of our vision and mission.
Our Mission Statement
Unite and empower our members with artistic excellence by promoting training, discipline, professionalism and teamwork in a positive environment that allows every person the opportunity to grow and express their natural artistic abilities as they follow and fulfill their dreams.
Our Focus Statement
- To build character in our young people
- To shape and develop their natural talents
- To promote the soulful art forms through performances and educational activities
- To set a positive and real example of unity for our young people
Our Vision Statement
Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.
Our Standard
Excellence and Nothing Less
Our Students’ Personal Motto
I can, I know I can, so I will
Our Student’s Pledge
We will reach back to give back
9 Components of Excellence
- Passion
- Focus
- Discipline
- Integrity
- Determination
- Consistency
- Foresight
- The Ability to Change
- The Courage to Win
Our Mission Statement
Unir y capacitar a nuestros miembros con excelencia artistica promoviendo entrenamiento, disciplina, profesionalismo, y equipo de trabajo en un ambiente positivo que le permite a cada persona la oportunidad de crecer y expresar sus habilidades artisticas, naturales mientras siguen y cumplen sus suenos.
Our Focus Statement
- Edificar carácter en nuestros jovenes.
- Formar y desarollar sus talentos naturales.
- Promover las formas del arte del alma por medio de actuaciones y actividádes educativas.
- Poner el ejemplo positivo y real de unidad para nuestros jovenes.
Our Vision Statement
Impactando a nuestra comunidad transformando vidas jóvenes en líderes de alto carácter por medio de las artes.
Our Standard
Excelencia y nada menos. Excelencia y nada menos.
Our Students’ Personal Motto
Regresaremos para dar.
Our Student’s Pledge
Yo puedo, yo se que puedo, y lo haré.
9 Components of Excellence
- Pasión
- Enfoque
- Disciplina
- Integridad
- Determinación
- Consistencia
- Previsión
- La habilidad de cambiar
- El coraje para gana

Performing arts is a vehicle to attract youth to an empowering environment where they can be developed.