Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


Hidden Figures Movie Day

UNITY took over 20 members to see the movie Hidden Figures on Saturday, January 14, 2017. I was so moved and inspired by this film. It brought joy to my heart to know that there were three African-American females instrumental in helping NASA get into space. Every young person in America needs to see this film because it dispels stereotypes that for so many years have been planted into the minds of African-Americans, White, Hispanic, and Asian children all over this country. If we’re going to make this world a better place, it’s going to start by revealing the truth of all the cultures who had a significant role and making America the great country it is today. The history books of our education system need to reflect the real truth about the number of cultures which played a significant role in building this great country. In Unity Performing Arts Foundation, one of our goals is to expose young people to diversity that is remarkable, organic in its source, and life-changing in its impact. We are not driven by numbers that show diversity, but instead driving an environment that creates a heart and respect for all people. I ask that every youth organization in this community make sure the children in their programs see the movie Hidden Figures. It is truly life-changing and full of hope and joy, which is what our children need to witness consistently.  -Marshall White