Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


Pathway Community Church | Bridges of Understanding | November 4-5, 2017

“Inspiring”, “Motivating”, “This was what we needed to hear”, “You run an incredible program that powerfully changes lives.” These are just a few of the comments that the congregation of Pathway Community Church shared this weekend after hearing Marshall White’s special presentation, “Building Bridges of Understanding”.  The attendees were engaged, challenged, and encouraged to get to know one another and others that don’t look like ourselves. Mr. White asked a diverse group of individuals to come up front and hold hands and reminded everyone that we need to be united by a sense of hope, genuine love, and a growing understanding of one another; not just when there is a tragedy, but when the sun is shining! Don’t just listen, but receive and apply!


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