Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


Sacred Choral Music Festival | October 15, 2017

The Voices of Unity participated in IPFW’s second annual Sacred Choral Music Festival on Sunday, October 22nd. Eleven choirs expressed their own unique sacred music style during their individual performances. The program ended with the merging of close to 353 voices singing “Build on a Rock” by Marc Hafso. Thank you, IPFW Music, Dr. Vaughn Roste, Dr. Gregory Jones, and Dr. John O’Connell, for allowing us to be a part of this experience! Click here to view more photos.


I’m Available to You– Written By: Carliss Moody Jr., Directed By: Marshall White,


I am Rich with God’s Blessings– Written By: Chris Byrd, Directed By: Marshall White, Soloist: James McGlaston Williams


Build on a Rock– Written by Marc Hafso, Directed by Dr. Vaughn Roste, Baritone Soloist: Eric Smead