Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


Unity Superstar Spotlight Featuring Aspen Hill

Aspen Hill- Homecoming Queen of Bishop Luers High School

Aspen Hill is a 17 year-old senior at Bishop Luers High School, with a current GPA of 3.805. Aspen was recently crowned Bishop Luers’ Homecoming Queen.

Her career aspiration is to become a Pediatric Neurosurgeon. She is currently in the process of making her college choice.
Aspen’s school activities include: National Honors Society, Peer Tutoring, football and basketball manager, Sodalities Leader (creates service projects and creates excitement within the student body) and the Team Advisory Board.

Aspen joined The Voices of Unity on September 18, 2012, at the age of 13, and sings in the soprano section.  She also sings with her praise team at New Horizon Baptist Church.

Aspen wants to pursue new opportunities and discover things no one has ever discovered before. She is particularly interested in creating medicines that can be used during pregnancy, since such medication is currently limited.

Aspen recently traveled to Brest, France where she stayed with a host family for six weeks.  She totally immersed herself into the culture, speaking only French.  She was deemed the Queen of “Franglais” (using English with a French twist).

When asked how VOU has helped her, Aspen responded, “It has helped me to become more disciplined at home and school.  It has also opened my world to more opportunities.  I have a different and bigger perspective on life.  I am also more serious about things.”

When asked if she had anything to say to inspire a young person to join Unity, Aspen responded, “If you want your life to be positively changed and to have opportunities that are not found anywhere else, join VOU.”

Congratulations, Aspen!  We are proud of you!

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