Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


Empowerment Camp 2017

What an enlightening and exciting weekend the UNITY family experienced at Camp Lutherhaven in Albion, Indiana at Empowerment Camp. 97 individuals participated and bonded during various empowerment sessions throughout the weekend. The weekend was filled with fun activities, a talent show, life lessons, laughter, food and praise. “I didn’t want to leave” Patrick Lacy, age 14

“My takeaway from last week was that the young men were hungry for knowledge. They were very sensitive to God’s presence and genuinely love each other. What caught my eye was towards the end of the sessions I prayed over them and without saying anything the older boys grabbed hands and prayed with it each other and for each other. In my mind that was a powerful and important moment. There is natural competitiveness within them but to be able to drop that and pray with and for each other was an awesome moment to experience. Thank you again for inviting me to take part in this years Empowerment Camp. Blessings!!” -Pastor Phil

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