Impacting our community by transforming young lives into high-character leaders through the platform of the arts.


In Times Like These – COVID-19

During my teenage years, while attending church, I remember playing on the organ the hymn my father would sing on a particular Sunday, “In Times Like These”. As a teen, I didn’t understand what “times” the song was referring to because I thought as a teenager, everything was just fine. However, as an adult, I’ve witnessed some challenging events that have taken place in our country and around the world.  Now I truly understand what the hymn, “In Times Like These” means, especially because of the number of challenging times that I have even personally experienced.

This present crisis is one that I’ve never experienced or even thought I would ever experience during my lifetime. For many of you, this crisis is at the back door of your life, and others, this crisis is at the front door. No matter where you are in life, this is a moment in our world history that we will never forget.  None of us will be the same after it passes.

In Times Like These brings our purpose in life back into focus.
In Times Like These realigns our priorities.
In Times Like These exposes us to what it means to care for one another no matter your religious, political or educational affiliation.
In Times Like These reteaches us through how to value those around us and those close to us.
In Times Like These puts us all in the same boat no matter if you are rich, poor, black, brown, yellow, white, male or female, famous, unknown, pastor, pope, king, prince, queen, head of state, etc.
In Times Like These it brings out the real character and heart of all of us.

I will assure you; God has mysterious ways of communicating to his creation, I’M IN CHARGE! These are the days that try men’s souls, a statement Thomas Paine wrote in 1777, in an essay entitled The Crisis.

This is the time to stop, be still and gain back what so many of us have lost in this busy and dismissive world; the ability to value, care and love others. Take these times to build your arsenal of love, respect, and humility. Refocus your goals on things more meaningful and lasting and not just personal achievements. This crisis has revealed to all of us how important our earthly gains and schedules are…. not that IMPORTANT!

I encourage the UNITY family members and our friends in this community and around the world to let this crisis make you better, wiser, and much more appreciative of the things and people in your life. Let the distress of this crisis increase your strength, stamina, and determination so that you can adjust to whatever lifestyle you are forced to embrace.

In Times Like These, we should look to our creator for protection, guidance, and peace in this crisis.

May God Bless You All,
Marshall White, Founder/CEO
Unity Performing Arts Foundation, Inc.